Yun Kao

Yun Kao was a detective with the Moscow CCDPD. She was also the secret leader to The Syndicate, but her untimely demise at the hands of Zixin Kao put an end to that. In her prime she was blackmailing Ivan Sarkozy and Dorian Vega among many others. She once tried Read more…

Liam Haart Marquis

Liam Haart Marquis is the second child of Ephraim Haart and Genevre Marquis. He uses his mother’s last name to protect him from predators while he attends public schools in Moscow having been kicked out of every private school close to home. In addition to school Liam works as IT Read more…

Zephyr Lelantos

Zephyr Lelantos is the current heir to the Atalantan line. Her brother Cristof is home on the Greece isle they call home preparing for her children. Unfortunately Zephyr’s first born was the first born of Jaxen Marveet whom he gave to the Finn in a deal for his safe survival Read more…


Ra embodied the power of the sun but was also thought to be the sun itself, envisioned as the great god riding in his barge across the heavens throughout the day and descending into the underworld at sunset. As he made his way through the darkness beneath the earth, he Read more…


Shu was born from the primordial waters of the chaotic void that existed before creation, and was brought into existence by Ra. He is often depicted as the first creation, embodying the breath or life force that emerged from the god’s mouth. His twin sister and consort, Tefnut, the goddess Read more…


Ged is one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon, representing the Earth and playing a central role in the creation myths, the fertility of the land, and the structure of kingship. As the god of the Earth, Ged is deeply tied to both life and death, providing life Read more…


Seshat was the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, writing, and measurement. While less prominent than other major goddesses like Isis or Hathor, Seshat played an essential role in ancient Egyptian society, particularly in matters related to record-keeping, architecture, mathematics, and the management of time. She was the divine scribe and Read more…


Nut is perhaps best known as the mother of some of the most important deities in the Egyptian pantheon, including Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. According to one version of the myth, Nut and Geb’s union produced these four children, who would go on to play central roles in Egyptian Read more…


Her influence extended across many facets of life in ancient Egypt, and she was worshipped from the earliest periods of Egyptian history up until the end of pharaonic times. Hathor’s role as the goddess of love and fertility is one of her most prominent aspects. She was the goddess to Read more…


Nephthys was the daughter of Geb (the god of the Earth) and Nut (the goddess of the Sky). Her association with the night contrasts with her sister Isis, who is linked to the day. Nephthys was often seen as representing the invisible, mysterious forces of life, such as death and Read more…