Name: Seven
Age: 28
Origin: Sweden
Talent: Channeler
Power potential: 25
Loyalty: CCD
Alignment: Neutral good
Occupation: Consultant & rare goods dealer
Aura: Black and gold
Played by: Asc

Seven has worked for private entities across Europe for a number of years. He is usually called upon to verify authenticity of items being put up for sale or purchase. Likewise, he has saved a number of powerful people from embarrassment by halting the acquisition of some priceless artifact by outing it as a fake. As such, he has a long list of friends that weave throughout Europe and Asia’s rich and powerful. Only once was he asked to help falsify a counterfeit item. He refused, but neither did he stop the criminal activity. As such, he has earned the respect of some of the shadier sides of such goods.
He does not particularly need a career. He was born to privilege and wealth. The family has their own business that had he attended law school or some other institution of higher learning he may have contributed to their bottom line. Instead, he cut the cords that bound him to blood before he was even twenty, nor did he complete any sort of formal education. All self-taught, he only pursues tasks that are aligned with his direct interests, fulfill some sort of curiosity, or are in favor to someone he owes. As such, many of his services are obtained by word of mouth.
Seven has something of a reputation for his fashion choices. He is a flashy dresser and enjoys wearing clothes like they are works of art. Many of his favorite pieces come straight from the collections of couture houses. His blonde hair is long around his ears and often worn up in a bun. He goes back and forth between clean-shaven and wearing a shadow of a beard.

Seven came into his own place in the Network through his mother. She called upon their aide when he was under investigation for arson and wrongful death of six of his friends while they vacationed on a ski lodge in the Alps. The whole ordeal was buried deep and Seven was disassociated promptly from controversy. He feels he owes the network a great deal of debt, and therefore responds to their needs as requested.

He is an adept channeler, having never been put in any kind of situation where he had to channel under duress or pressure. His primary skills are delicate, nuanced work, leaving the brute strength to others. This aligns with his previous life as the god Freyr, who owned a sword that fought in battle by itself. Having given the sword to his servant who helped him win the woman he loved into marriage, he perished in battle at Ragnarök early on.
Freyr and Seven are both lords of fertility, light, sun and love. His only evil act was an accident, although he fully blames himself. While renting a lodge on a ski trip with seven other friends, he was showing off with the One Power, sparking fires over his finger tips when the power grew out of control. There was a flash and an explosion. All seven of his friends perished with him the sole survivor. Their memory became his new identity.

Einar Fredrik Gustav Withal
He is the grandchild of the last king of Sweden. He would never acquire the title of crown prince, being the middle child of a middle child of the king. He was born in 2018 and was only a couple years old when the world changed around him. He was too young to notice much, and definitely does not remember that time in his life. His mother and father, older sister and baby brother were his world. If he lived in luxury or a shack on the sea, he didn’t mind. Rare persons know his birth name, as he has gone by the identity of Seven most of his adult-life. He was born, Prince Einar Fredrik Gustav. Although the certificate of birth lacks a surname, the Custody required one by law. Therefore, he was given the surname of Withal after his mother’s side.

Young Einar
Seven serves as an agent of stability during a time of tumultuous change. His trustworthy nature attracts followers in need of leadership as a counter balance to the chaotic fluctuations undulating around him.
7th/1st Age transition – Reborn as Einar who adopts the name “Seven” after the death of seven friends in a house fire likely caused by his experimentation with the One Power.
2/3rd Age transition – A male Aes Sedai who served the Light during the War of the Shadow. He led survivors of the Breaking to Stedding as a last-ditch effort for survival but eventually perished in the breaking of the world.
3rd/4th Age transition – He was born a nobleman who exerted claims to the throne of different nations with each turning of the Wheel. Whatever kingdom he comes to rule flourishes in the time of great conflict. In addition, he was an Asha’man who served alongside the Dragon Reborn, and was therefore a powerful ally for the Dragon Reborn and the Light. He fights and survives the Last Battle, transitioning his people into the next Age. Legends about him survive a great amount of time.
6th/7th Age transition – He was a high lord of the Norse pantheon, a king known as the god, Freyr. His very birth resulted in a stabilizing force, since he and his sister were traded as hostages in part of the treaty that ended the Aesir/Vanir war. As an adult, he ruled a kingdom renown for peace, prosperity and his benevolence.