The Luminar, Supreme Spiritual Leader of the Brotherhood of Ascension

Theron Finnegan

The Di Inferi and Family Origins

Theron Finnegan was born in 2015 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, into an influential Irish Catholic family. The Finnegan family was also deeply embedded within the ancient network of the Di Inferi that traced its origins to the Age of Enlightenment. For centuries, the Di Inferi had pursued knowledge not just to preserve life, but to transcend it. They believed death could be overcome, and they would use any means necessary—whether scientific, magical, or mystical—to achieve that goal. For centuries, the Finnegans were outwardly loyal to the Catholic Church, with various sons joining the clergy over the years, and one elder member of the family is a current Archbishop.  

Theron was born an identical twin, alongside his brother, Leon, both of whom exhibited the rare ability to channel in their early 20s, a gift that allowed them to tap into the mysterious aether that the Di Inferi coveted so strongly. Their family considered this a sign that the twins were destined for greatness in the Di Inferi’s ultimate quest. From a young age, Theron and Leon were educated in both the traditions of the Di Inferi and the more public life of aristocratic privilege, mastering the secrets of the organization while keeping up appearances in polite society.

Despite their privileged upbringing, there was always a tension underlying their relationship. Leon, more introspective and gentle by nature, became increasingly withdrawn after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 15, and his body slowly weakened over the following years.

The family arranged for the oldest brother, Cillian to marry Helena Asquith, in tradition of Di Inferi families carefully interbreeding in hopes of producing the immortality they believed was locked in humanity’s genetic code. When Cillian died under mysterious and sudden causes, Helena was already with child, one that she intentionally lost, and with it, the promise of a potential immortal. Furious, the Finnegans and Asquiths disowned Helena, and the Finnegans turned to the next in line.

The Experiments and Leon’s Death

The Finnegans, now not only desperate to preserve Leon’s life, discovered a latent channeling ability of his own, arranged for Leon to be sent to the Von Metternich family, another Di Inferi bloodline known for their radical experiments in Austria, and accomplish what the oldest brother could not through union with a Von Metternich child. The Von Metternichs specialized in the study of prolonging life, and conducted numerous experiments to find the secret of immortality within the guise of a Sanatorium for the old and infirm. To the Finnegans, this was a last hope for a cure for their son and an offspring, but to Leon, it became a nightmare. 

Leon’s condition worsened dramatically during his time with the Von Metternichs, though the full extent of what was done to him remains shrouded in mystery. When Leon died, the exact cause was unclear. The official explanation was that his body had been consumed by the strain of both the ALS and the inherent dangers of channeling. The Finnegan family accepted this version of events, believing Leon’s death was the result of natural causes compounded by his overuse of the aether.

For Theron, however, this explanation never sat well. Leon’s death left a void in his life and raised questions that no one in the family seemed willing to ask. In the months after Leon’s passing, Theron visited the Von Metternich’s sanatorium in the Alps, hoping to learn more about what had really happened. However, he found the once-grand Von Metternich Sanatorium shuttered and abandoned. The Von Metternichs had disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only rumors in the nearby village—whispers that the Von Metternich daughters had vanished, and that something had gone terribly wrong. There were no answers, only more mysteries.

A New Path

Leon’s death became a defining moment in Theron’s life. Directed by his family, who still believed in the Di Inferi’s grand quest for the source of immortality, Theron was pushed toward a new path; he was the last son remaining.

They saw another opportunity in Moscow itself, following the footsteps of a collaborator and fellow Di Inferi conspirator, Ephraim Haart, and the budding religion growing in the city’s center.

Under the directive of his family, Theron was dispatched to Moscow to infiltrate the growing religious movement known as the Brotherhood of Ascension, which worshipped the Ascendancy as a divine figure. 

Theron quickly integrated himself into the Brotherhood, his calm demeanor, sharp intellect, and profound knowledge of both esoteric practices and spiritual doctrine allowing him to rise to prominence. It was under his leadership that the Brotherhood transformed from a loose grassroots movement into a full organized religion. By the time a leaked video revealed the Ascendancy’s miraculous recovery from near-death and saving the city from nuclear warfare, the Brotherhood had grown in stature and power.

As the Brotherhood’s first Luminar, Theron was invited to the Kremlin, where he met the Ascendancy and his closest advisors. He demonstrated his ability to channel, and earned the Ascendancy’s blessing to lead the Brotherhood. From this position, he would now have direct access to the Ascendancy and control over the spiritual direction of the entire movement. It is unclear how often these meetings actually occur.

The Luminar’s Agenda

Despite his public devotion to the Ascendancy, Theron remains loyal to the Di Inferi and their mission. His true purpose within the Brotherhood is to uncover the secret behind the Ascendancy’s powers—particularly his immortality—and report back to the Di Inferi so they may be tapped by anyone. He is a man driven by both personal and familial ambition: the desire to avenge the reasons for his brother’s death, and the larger goal of achieving immortality for himself and the Di Inferi. Only time will reveal what he uncovers.

Theron views the Brotherhood as a means to an end. While he publicly preaches sacrifice, devotion, and ascension to the masses with all the fervor of his Catholic upbringing, he privately sees the organization as a tool to further his own quest for power and knowledge. He plays the role of the devoted spiritual leader flawlessly, never allowing any hint of his true intentions to slip. To the Brotherhood’s followers, he is the embodiment wisdom, the one who interprets the divine will of the Ascendancy. But in his heart, Theron remains a calculating and patient figure, waiting for the right moment to claim what he believes is his birthright.




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