Age: 29
D.O.B: Nov 15, 2016
Origin: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Current Location: Small town just north of New Mexico Border in Colorado
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 125lbs
Occupation: Assassin for Hire
Reborn God: Itzpapalotl – Aztec
Power: 20/30
Ability: Adept
Talent: Phoneix
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Loyalty: Neutral
Played By: Nox
Anne Lowe
Ayden Hayes was born Anne Lowe, a true American, but first and foremost a Texan. Anne joined the ROTC in highschool and moved up through the ranks to become a well trained sniper.
At the age of 19, she was overcome with The Sickness. Three times she used the power — Illusion, Fire and Healing. Her block was an anxiety of failure in which she learned to control. It was a difficult journey but the power was at the ready throughout her days in the Army Rangers.
Anne despite loving her career, was also haunted in her dreams with blood and gore and a sacrifice.
Anne Lowe died in a helecopter crash after being shot down.
Chastity White
Anne became Chastity White after her gift saved her from the fiery inferno. In a strange foreign land with no support she was captured and tortured and inevitably began working for them in order to keep her family safe.
Chastity worked for this foreign entity for a long time until Chastity’s reign died with her as another inferno took the sniper’s life. But a new name arose from the ashes — The Phoenix.
Ayden Hayes
With Chastity White dead, Ayden was now free to do what she wanted. She became a hired assassin under the guise of The Phoenix and was happy in her career until she met Connor Kent.
Connor was a godsend and Ayden’s downfall. He quickly became her family, and she would do everything in her power to protect him. And that seemed to be the thing she needed to do more and more after he’d met Aria and Nox. The duo lead their perfect life to ruin and they were being hunted by the Atharim.
Ayden faked Connor and Ayden’s deaths and escaped to the United States where they happily lived for six months until someone found her.

Nikki Haydensen
After the demise of Ayden Hayes and Connor Kent in a fiery car crash after returning from Moscow, they took on the guise of a happily married couple — Nikki and Josh Haydensen, the last name an homage to Connor’s son. They are currently in a small town in Colorado just north of the Southern Ute Reservation and the New Mexico border. Nikki is expecting her first child