Hayden Sebastian is the bastard son of Ethan Sebastian and Kyra Mavros, but he does not consider Ethan his father since for the first eight years of his life he consider Gabriel and Amelia Sebastian his parents despite the fact that they are is biological grandparents.

Hayden is nearly completion on his Masters in psychology. He however is not in a rush. He owns Harbour House in London and operates a no weapons safe house for the Atharim. He uses the bar as a make shift office for anyone who wants to talk over a pint.

Hayden has a knack with people having studied psychology, micro-expressions, empathy, and even more esoteric things like astrology and numerology, anything that would allow him to hone his ability to get information from a person willingly. These learnings lead him work for the Atharim sussing out traitors, finding out information and keeping tabs on high value marks.

His work with the Atharim has also taken a turn for cleaning up his target’s messes should they make them. He is adept at handling misadventures without getting his hands dirty.

Hayden is currently setting up shop in the Red Light District in a business formerly a fancy boutique near Kallisti House of Burlesque. It will become his new home to work out of as he keeps tabs on Nox Durante, his current target.

Hayden recently learned he has a half brother.

blue harp decor on brown wooden table

Harbour House

A bar in London where Hayden runs an Atharim no-weapons safe house.

Safe Harbour

A bar in Moscow Hayden is currently setting up that will be an Atharim no-weapons safe house.



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