The Queen of Heaven
A goddess of love, war, and fertility, Inanna was also associated with beauty, sex, divine law, and political power.
The Sumerians were an enlightened and peaceful society known for their development of writing, advanced architecture, and innovations in agriculture, trade, and governance. Though channelers were allowed to hold power, it was usually in service of a greater good, or to aid the smooth running of society, and they lived among the people they served. They were one of the peoples under the purview of the Watchers and Archangels of the Semitic pantheon in the early 5th Age.

Inanna came from little. Yet through ingenuity, ruthlessness, and a marked aptitude for political sway, she became one of the most widely venerated deities in the Sumerian pantheon. She cared greatly for the world, and made personal sacrifices in service of her people, including taking up arms in defence of her city. Though her single-minded pursuit of the greater good did not always earn her the love of the other gods, who often bore the brunt of her political prowess, her tireless champion of causes and the ordinary man earned her a faithful following that far outstripped her contemporaries. Inanna was beautiful, overtly sexual, fierce in her convictions, and utterly devoted to her people. As a result she was fiercely loved by them in return.
Her husband was the god Dumuzid (later known as Tammuz), and her sukkal (attendant) was the goddess Ninshubur, who functioned both as a messenger deity and as an intercessor between other members of the pantheon and human petitioners. The two were exceptionally close, their relationship one of mutual devotion.
Following the flood sent to punish the Watchers, it is said Inanna wept bitterly. Afterwards she swore she would never allow another such tragedy, and declared her lapis lazuli necklace a sign of her binding oath.

Rise to the Heavens
In Sumer, channelers were associated with different spheres of life, or were patrons of cities. Inanna first came to prominence when she tricked the god of wisdom, Enki, into giving her the mes — the seven divine secrets of civilization — which included the powerful tablets of destiny. Though Enki was initially angry he could not fault her bold cleverness, and a truce was soon made between them.
She rose to become the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk, which she is said to have won from Anu, god of the sky and consort of the mother goddess Ki. Alongside her twin brother Utu (later known as Shamash), Inanna was also considered an enforcer of divine justice. She became known as Queen of the Heavens.

She was a natural leader. But though she was compassionate, kind, and just, Inanna was also ruthless. For the greater good and the protection of her city and people, she would make any sacrifice, whether it be of her own, or at the expense of someone else.
Inanna used every tool available to her, including seduction; she was beautiful, sensual, and persuasive, and it is said she once tempted Samyaza into revealing his god’s secret name. But her proclivities did not always earn her favour. The hero Gilgamesh famously spurned her advances, pointing out the lovers Inanna had callously discarded in her past once they were no longer of use to her.
A Call to the Underworld
The most pervasive story to survive about Inanna is her journey to the underworld. History does not record her reasons for such a dangerous act, often citing her hunger for power finally leading her to foolishness. No one who travelled to the underworld came back unchanged, assuming they came back at all. Even her beloved attendant Ninshubur tried to talk her out of it. Yet Inanna is said to have gathered her seven divine powers, and left the heavens of her city.
It was the beginning of Ahriman’s rise amongst the Persians, and war had come.

Before she descended, she instructed Ninshubur to wait three days for her return, making her promise to go for help if she did not. The instructions she left were specific.
Beneath the earth the seven gates of the underworld were each bolted against her. Inanna was required to divest her gifts of divine power at each one, until she stood before the queen of the underworld naked, powerless, and humbled. There she was killed and hung on a hook.
Three days passed, and Ninshubur sought help for her mistress; she went to Enlil, Nanna, Anu, and Enki, and pleaded with each of them. The first three refused, finding the fault with Inanna else determining she could simply save herself. But Enki was deeply troubled, and sent his gala to her aid. However, in the bargain for Inanna’s return, a further sacrifice was required in her stead: Inanna’s husband, Dumuzid, must take her place.
What Inanna ultimately gained or why she took such a grand risk has been lost to the annals of time.

After the horn was sounded to prevent the gates of Sheol being flung open, and the Archangels destroyed in their final sacrifice, war came in earnest. Inanna used every advantage she could, and became greatly associated with warfare and the avid protection of her people. She is often associated with the lion, and in her later years bore the moniker Ishtar.
Other Lives
1st Age: Zhenya Disir, head of a private security company in Moscow, with a dreamwalking daughter she seeks to protect. Currently she is assisting in the establishment of an order of women that will teach girls the One Power.
3rd Age: Rikela Reialore, an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who made great personal sacrifices to aid the Light ahead of the Last Battle.
6th Age: Freyja, goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr, and reputed leader of the Valkyries. Freyja directed the peace-keeping forces of Fólkvangr, an institution that survived to help rebuild after the destruction of Ragnarok.