
Atalanta was born to a human father who wanted a son. Her mother was said to be the goddess Artemis. Her father abandoned her in the forest and she was taken in by a bear of a man, who fought against the gods — and was a god himself. Together Read more…

Xander Mitchel

Age: 26Born: Unknown (Some Midwest state in the middle of nowhere)Talent: Prophet Little is known about Xander Mitchel. On paper he was born, obtained his GED, has a valid drivers license for the state of Kansas and a valid CCD Ident. He has no digital footprint, no pictures or known Read more…


Many tales over the ages speak of a woman scorned who has her terrible revenge in one form or another. This is the idea of a great beauty twisted by hatred and spoiled by evil, and is thus diminished for it. These women are often known as queens of darkness, Read more…

Elowen Merena 

In terms of Evelara’s personality, her defining feature was a keen lust for power. Her desire was such that she desired to overthrow both the Dark One and the Creator using the Choedan Kal, believing that raw power would be all such a task required. Many of those who she Read more…

Jivana Industries

Jivana Industries was founded by Emilio Vega and his partner. Jivana’s bread and butter is innovative science and technology in the medical field. Together with his partner they created some of the fastest and most precise instruments that aid in surgical and diagnostics of even the most rarest diseases. Their Read more…

The Vega Family

Emilio Vega, founder and CEO of Jivana Industries, is a self made man. His fortune came from innovated works integrating science and technology into the medical field. Together with his partner they created some of the fastest and precise instruments that aid in surgical and diagnostics of even the most Read more…


The Finns are the collective name of two species of extra-dimensional humanoids: the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn. Each live in another dimension quite different from that of the real world, seemingly apart yet connected to ours and to each others. The name of this dimension is “Sindhol.” The Finns have existed as long Read more…

Alistair Bishop

– Mr. Petrovich – Quiet, Serious, and Pensive In the ring, he is serious, treating the business as if it was real.  Though the outcomes are fixed, you’d never know from the way he works. He wrestles to survive as if every move is a real fight. As a technical wrestler, Read more…

Ezvin Marveet

Ezvin Scionov Marveet was born into a life of privilege and wealth, but he never quite fit the mold of what his father, Scion expected him to become. He was the product of Scion’s second marriage, which had ended in a bitter divorce that left him somewhat estranged from his Read more…


Raphael was one of the seven highest servants of the High Ones who held a position of significant reverence and importance. Raphael, the “Divine Healer”, was the patron saint of those who were ill and the caregivers who attended to them on Earth. Traditionally, Raphael was often depicted as a Read more…