Devil’s Lair (nightclub)

It was late by the time she discovered the club. Stairs led down and down and down, funnelling the beat of the music up like a siren call. Industrial pipes ran overhead and the air was thick with human heat and cigarette smoke. Cold concrete walls drifted beneath her fingertips. Read more…

Gracie’s Gym

Gracie’s Gym. The words looked faded, the sign cracked and dirty. The door was propped open and he could her the slaps of fists on punching bags, the echoing grunts of people, and the background noise of music coming from a crappy speaker, high and tinny. Connor, Gracie’s Gym A Read more…

Damien Oakland

However, Damien was not any man. What need did he have of a false pride in ego? He was not so foolish as to believe that crushing the Ascendancy – even if he could – would gain him anything more than a notorious death. Even had he managed to survive, Read more…

Drayson Mccullough

Every last member of the new counter-terrorism task force, dubbed simply ‘task force Domovoi,’ were among those like Drayson. The ones that had witnessed the inexplainable, be it monster or magic user, and had kept both their sanity and their jobs. Some had even made a career of dealing with Read more…


Cyberpoint was owned and operated by Sage Parker’s parents a holding in Alexandria, VA. Cyberpoint was recently dissolved when the Parker’s died in an car crash on their way home from work. Cyberpoint was influential in cybernetic implants. Their most notable success was an computer processor implanted into the young Read more…


Prometheus himself is an immortal god, the friend of the human race, the giver of fire, the inventor of the useful arts, an omniscient seer, and a heroic sufferer, who was overcome by the superior power of Zeus, but would not bend his inflexible mind. Although he himself belonged to Read more…

The Vasiliev Family

The Vasilievs are a rich and prestigious crime family in Moscow who maintain the veneer of respectability. Their boom to power and affluence was sped by the collapse of the Soviet Union, when organised crime in Russia reached a fever pitch of strength and influence due to an unstable government. Read more…

Sofia Vasilieva

Sonyechka to her closest friends, and Sofka to her family (or rudely behind her back), Sofia is the youngest daughter of Konstantin Vasiliev. She grew up amongst the titans of Russia’s mafia, and with connections to Moscow’s legitimate big players. She is defined by two motivations; family, and power. The Read more…

Maksim Marveet

Maksim had the misfortune to be the firstborn child of Scion and Irina Marveet. He was born, his parents were married, and they were subsequently divorced by the time Maksim was two years old. It was 2008, and Moscow was a very different place at the time. Scion was in Read more…