The Tunguska event was a massive explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia, Russia, on the morning of 30 June 1908. The explosion flattened 770 square miles of forest, including 80 million trees laid radially on their sides, with an equivalency of 10-15 megatons of TNT.
“Those trees acted as markers, pointing directly away from the blast’s epicenter,” said Yeomans. “Later, when the team arrived at ground zero, they found the trees there standing upright – but their limbs and bark had been stripped away. They looked like a forest of telephone poles.”
Leonid Kulik Expedition, 1921, Chief curator of the St. Petersburg museum
The debranching of trees requires a shock wave so fast, that the tree branches are stripped from the trunk before the momentum of force can be transferred from the branch to the tree’s stem. Branchless trees were also found at the side of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, Japan. The energy released at the Tunguska event was estimated to have been the equivalent of 185 Hiroshima bombs.
In the nearby village of Vanavara, 40 miles from the epicenter, the blast and resulting shock wave hurled people from their feet and chairs. They experienced a heat so intense, it was said it felt like their clothes were on fire.
Far-felt impact
The resulting shockwave registered barometric meters in England.
Dense clouds formed over the region at such high altitudes that sunlight reflected on their undersurface from beyond the horizon. This resulted in a long-lasting glow of the night sky. It was said that people very far away could read newspapers outdoors in the middle of the night.
No human deaths were known to be recorded due to the geographic isolation of the Siberian outback. However, many reindeer, which were the livestock of the local Evenki peoples, were slaughtered.
Scientific explanation
The leading scientific theory suggests the explosion was due to a meteorite or comet that spontaneously exploded several miles above the surface of the earth after entering the atmosphere. This would explain the lack of a crater site, which would be expected should the object struck the surface. The space rock is estimated to have been about 120 feet in diameter and weighed 220 million pounds. However, proof eludes modern science, and debate continues to this day as to the actual cause of the event.
While not yet discovered, at the heart of the epicenter of the Tunguska event waits the Four-Way Pillar, a chief portal stone that survives every turning of the wheel. Prior to the event, the land in this location was known as Paradise, and is the keystone of the Four-Way Pillar marks the site of the origin of the Garden of Eden myth. This pillar serves as an anchor by which all other portal stones may eventually be Translated onto Earth. Until very recent events, the stone was hidden behind a ward of invisibility woven Ages beforehand.
The local people of this region, the Evenki, the Tungusic people of northern Asia from whom hailed Rasputin, founder of the Khylsty, were unaware of the presence of this pillar, given its obfuscation. Early in the dynasty of the Tsars, taxation of the Evenks occurred frequently. Most of the taxes were collected in the forms of fur and other goods made solely by the Evenks. By the early 1900’s, the relationship between the representatives of the empire and the native Evenks was tense, at times, violent.
Having relied on the prayers of local Shamans, the people of the area enlisted the aid of more revered warriors. These people were those most renown for being the hunters of thunderbirds, honored by the locals whose livestock (and sometimes children) were hunted by the beasts.
The leader of these hunters was called the Yaga, a title rater than a name. Passed down since the time the Atharim overthrew the gods of old, whose greatest god was named Agdy, was an artifact believed to be used only at the time of their greatest need. The Yaga did not precisely understand the nature of the artifact, but she traveled to their most holy site to make use of it. This site was the original seat of power of Agdy and his gods, and was the site at which their pantheon was eliminated by the ancient Atharim. Since the portal stone network was not in place in 1908, the explosion was the cataclysmic result of a cross-reaction with the ter’angreal artifact.
The activation of the dreamshard by Patricus I and Nimeda in the dreamworld resulted in the inability to channel and the dissolution of long-standing weaves within its radius.