
Age: 18
Origin: China
Current Location: Moscow
Height: Short
Weight: Very thin
Occupation: Author-Novelist
Reborn God: Melinöe
Channeling ability: Unsparked
Talent: Dreamwalking
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Color aura: Murky white and burnt orange
Sòng Daiyu
Daiyu is a chronically sleep deprived teenager who spends almost all her sleeping experience inside the world of dreams unknowingly. Her psychosis and mental instability is largely due to sleep deprivation, but she is diagnosed with schizophrenia due to her supposed hallucinations.

Within the Dreamworld, she is friends with Nimeda and dislikes wolves. One time, her pets told her that her true name was “Mara” and so she insists that is her true name in the waking world rather than Daiyu. She also goes by Mara as her pen-name. She is a famous author that has written very dark horror fiction novels as a teenager and made her family quite a fortune.

Mara’s pets are nightmares, black shadowy creatures that walk on all fours like stalking cats. She exerts some control over nightmares, and they are generally obedient to her will. She can sense them even when awake, though others cannot see them. The Sandman has the ability to destroy her pets when they grow unruly. As a result, she is afraid of him.
The Guardian
She has taken psychotropic drugs since she was 5 years old. At age 16, she tried to commit suicide. Since then, she has been involuntarily institutionalized at the Guardian complex in Moscow for treatment. She is not aware that her nightmares are experienced by real people, nor that death during the nightmare results in the death of the one experiencing the nightmare.

Daiyu is the reborn Greek goddess of nightmares, Melinoe.