Watchman of the gods, Guardian of the heavenly realm of Asgard, Father to mankind
Heimdallr is often depicted as a strong, radiant figure, standing tall with his Gjallarhorn. His golden teeth and bright appearance signify his association with light. In the myths, he’s portrayed as a loyal and steadfast god, always ready to defend Asgard. He was one of Odin’s many sons.

Heimdallr’s primary responsibility, and perhaps his most iconic, was as the guardian of the Bifröst. This rainbow bridge connected all the realms, and its protection was paramount. In this duty Heimdallr’s unwavering vigilance was legendary; it’s said that he never even slept, for his obligation extended into the dream. His senses, sharpened beyond comprehension, allowed him to hear the softest sounds. His eyesight, too, was unparalleled; he could discern the tiniest of objects from hundreds of miles away, ensuring that no threat went unnoticed.
His dwelling, known as Himinbjörg (which translates to “Sky Cliffs” or “Heaven’s Castle”), was situated right at the entrance of the Bifröst bridge. This strategic location allowed him to keep a watchful eye on any approaching entities, ensuring the safety of Asgard. Himinbjörg wasn’t just his home; it was his fortress, his watchtower, from where he could survey all realms.

Heimdallr is often depicted as the watchful sentinel, with his steed Gulltoppr and his famed sword Hǫfuð. But perhaps the most iconic artefact associated with him is the Gjallarhorn. This horn, when blown, produces a sound that resonates across all the realms. It’s believed that the Gjallarhorn will be blown at Ragnarok, and the gods will know that their doom is at hand when they hear its dire call.
Heimdallr was the rarest of dreamwalkers, a dreamweaver, which allowed him dominion over the passages between worlds, and exceptional control in Tel’aran’rhiod. It was these skills he employed to keep Asgard and its people safe. Inevitably, it led him to a professional association with Morpheus, the Greek who had held dominion over the realm of dreams since before the advent of the Norse rule. Lacking a second dreamweaver for Heimdallr to work with, the Norse were never a threat, and thus the two pantheons had a steadfast truce between them, aided most likely by the fact Heimdallr and Morpheus were both of similar disposition.
Such was Heimdallr’s commitment to order, he is said to have descended to Midgard to sort mankind into classes. While he never took a wife, he does seem to have fathered children among them, and taught his sons the secrets of runes.
In his role as protector, he often mitigated or punished the deeds of Loki, and eventually came to see the man as a personal affront. After the trickster stole Freyja’s enchanted necklace, the Brisingamen, the tension between them erupted when Heimdallr ruthlessly hunted Loki out and beat him down in a fierce duel. The necklace was duly returned to its rightful owner, and the enmity between the two gods was solidified.
Heimdallr also displayed both wisdom and strategic thinking, for instance suggesting the successful ruse which saw his brother Thor dressed as a bride to win back his hammer Mjölnir. Many of the other gods turned to Heimdallr for his sound advice.
Duty before all
While other gods often indulged in mischief and personal pursuits, Heimdallr remained committed to his role. He never even married. His dedication often put him at odds with the trickster Loki, who consistently caused trouble that necessitated Heimdallr to take his attention away from his duties to rectify. A distraction Heimdallr could not abide.

Thus, when Loki’s abominations were born, Heimdallr was keen to consult with his father on the best way to protect Asgard.
A dream prison was decided for the strange Hel, something he might have accomplished alone, but which would be stronger if worked together with another dreamweaver. Though Odin had already tried and failed to win Lethe to their cause via clandestine means, he was forced instead to bargain directly with Morpheus. Between them they constructed Helheim, into which Hel was placed physically via the Bifröst, and sealed in.
It was many years later that Fenrir’s true nature revealed itself when he began to bring instability to the dream. Heimdallr was the one who informed Odin how dangerous the wolf could truly be; who insisted that a close watch in Asgard was no longer enough to contain his threat. For in truth the great protector of the gods was no longer sure he would be enough by himself alone. It was impossible, but Fenrir displayed abilities akin to a dreamweaver.
They tried twice to bind Fenrir, and twice failed, before — for a second time — Odin was forced to treat with Morpheus. By now the Greeks were deep into the Atharim uprisings which would end their rule, and Morpheus was not pleased, but could neither abide a threat to the dream.
The wolf was finally chained with the unbreakable gleipnir.
After Baldr’s loss at Loki’s hands, It was Heimdallr who led the hunt for Loki, and it was Heimdallr’s skill which finally banished him back to the Finn realm via the Bifröst.
Heimdallr and Loki, representing order and chaos respectively, are ever destined to face off in a duel that has been brewing since the dawn of time. At Ragnarok, he meets Loki on the Bifröst and is unable to prevent Fenrir’s catastrophic escape. Locked in combat, the two wound each other fatally.