Nora Saint-Clair
Atharim Scholar
Early Life
Nora Genevieve Saint-Clair was born in 2022 in Paris, France, under tumultuous circumstances. Her mother had planned for a home birth in the family’s ancestral chateau near Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, Normandy, but complications during labor necessitated an emergency helicopter transport to a private hospital in Paris. Despite the ordeal, Nora was born healthy, though the event instilled a heightened protectiveness in her family.
Nora grew up within the aristocratic confines of the Saint-Clair family, an old and prominent line intertwined with the Atharim. Her childhood, however, was anything but traditional. While her family tried to mold her into the image of a proper aristocratic daughter, Nora’s adventurous and tomboyish spirit led her to climb trees, explore creeks, and collect critters—much to the dismay of her wealthy and reserved relatives.

Her closest companion during these years was Tanis Peregrym, nicknamed “Grym,” a member of a loyal servant family who acted as Nora’s minder, tutor, and eventual trainer. Despite being nearly twenty years older, Grym became a surrogate older sister and instilled in Nora a fierce sense of independence and strength.
Coming of Age
On her 13th birthday, Nora’s life changed. She had expected a party with her friends in Paris, but instead, her family gathered in their ancestral home in Normandy for what turned out to be a family rite of passage. Surrounded by relatives from Switzerland, Scotland, and beyond, as well as the family priest, Nora was told the Saint-Clair family’s true history: their ties to the Knights Templar, their sacred alliance with the Atharim, and their storied ancestor Jean de Saint-Clair, who had slain a Loup Garou in the woods centuries ago.
During the gathering, Nora was shown the Dagger of Benedictus, the silver blade her ancestor used to kill the creature. This sacred weapon symbolized her family’s centuries-old oath to the Atharim, cementing her belief in the mission. From that moment, Nora began her training under Grym, who was an Atharim hunter descended from a knight who had pledged loyalty to the Saint-Clairs.
The Hunt and Banished Mentor
By the age of 16, Nora had proven her bravery and dedication to her family’s legacy. The Saint-Clairs permitted her to join Grym on her first hunt. The mission, however, ended in disaster. Nora was wounded during the encounter, though she survived with minimal lasting harm. Grym, held responsible for the incident, was banished from the family’s service. Nora was devastated by the loss of her mentor and closest friend. Grym vanished into Eastern Europe, leaving Nora behind to grapple with guilt and frustration.

After the hunt, Nora was forbidden from pursuing fieldwork and confined to studying Atharim lore and family relics. Although she complied outwardly, she maintained her physical training in secret and threw herself into health and fitness, determined to return to hunting someday.
The Tongue of Baal
In 2040, at the age of 18, Nora stumbled upon a mysterious artifact in the basement of her family’s chateau while cataloging ancient relics. The object, hidden within a rotting wooden box labeled levante, was a carved piece of ivory shaped like a human tongue. The object was inscribed with Phoenician script, and when Nora touched it, she experienced strange and unsettling sensations: whispers in an unknown language, a warmth that flooded her body, and glowing text that seemed to come alive on the surface of the artifact.
The text was later translated to read:
“Ba’al Hadad, Rider of the Clouds, Master of Thunder and Rain, grant your voice to me. Let your fury fall upon the earth. By this tongue, let storms rise and swallow the unworthy.”
Terrified by the artifact’s power, Nora buried it deep in the storage area and vowed never to touch it again. The discovery left her shaken, but she couldn’t shake the memory of the whispers or the warmth. She became ill shortly after the encounter, suffering from a mysterious fever that lasted a day, though she recovered quickly.
The Regus and the Revelation
Four years later, in 2044, the Tongue of Baal resurfaced. While visiting the Sinclair holdings at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, Nora was summoned home by her father. An Atharim priest, accompanied by the Regus, had arrived at their estate, requesting to see an artifact Nora had described in her cataloging notes.
The Regus identified the artifact as the Tongue of Baal, a powerful and ancient weapon with untapped potential. When Nora presented the relic, she was terrified that her earlier actions—burying it and avoiding scrutiny—would be revealed. However, the Regus took the Tongue into Atharim custody and commended her discovery. Though relieved, Nora couldn’t shake the fear that the Regus suspected she knew more than she let on, particularly about the whispers and the lightning she had experienced when she touched the artifact. She was invited to the Vatican for her final oaths the next week.
Discovery of Powers
In the years following the Regus’s visit, Nora continued her work with the Atharim. Frustrated with her limited role, she applied for field assignments in the Holy Lands and other regions but was often sidelined due to her inexperience in hunting. She yearned for action but remained tethered to the archives.
In 2046, her life changed again when the Atharim HQ in Baccarat was consumed by an unexplained fire. Trapped in the flames, Nora, in a moment of desperation, willed the fire to part—and it did. The flames shifted as if obeying her command, allowing her to escape. The sensation was eerily familiar, identical to the warmth she felt when she touched the Tongue of Baal years earlier.
The realization that she was a god sent her fleeing from the Atharim in terror. Shortly after, she was struck by a debilitating fever. Hallucinations, whispers, and visions wracked her mind until her former mentor, Grym, found her. Grym nursed Nora through the illness and convinced her to seek out the Brotherhood of Ascension.

Joining the Brotherhood
Though repelled by the Brotherhood’s zealous worship of the Ascendancy, Nora reluctantly agreed to join. Grym advised her to use the Brotherhood as a means to survive and gain control of her powers without fully embracing their ideology. Nora’s decision marked her departure from the Atharim and the beginning of a new chapter in her life.
Within the Brotherhood, Nora found herself walking a tightrope between two worlds. She resolved to infiltrate the organization and monitor its rise to power, believing she could act as a counterforce should it become a threat. Haunted by the whispers of the Tongue of Baal and her family’s legacy, Nora was determined to forge her own path in a world increasingly shaped by the return of the gods.

Personality and Appearance
Nora has a striking and commanding presence, blending elegance with an edge of determination. Her features are sharp and defined, with expressive dark brows that frame her piercing, thoughtful eyes. Her complexion is luminous, with a natural warmth that enhances her rich, dark hair, which cascades in thick, unruly waves, often left loose as if defying the strictures of formality.
She is a complex blend of refinement and defiance, shaped by her family’s rigid expectations and her own restless, adventurous spirit. Stubborn and fiercely independent, Nora often pushes back against authority, questioning rules and traditions she sees as outdated or restrictive. This rebellious streak makes her struggle within the strict hierarchy of the Brotherhood of Ascension, where obedience and structure are paramount. While she abides by the rules out of necessity—knowing it is for the greater good—her internal resistance to blind loyalty simmers beneath the surface.
Nora is deeply empathetic and loyal to those she cares about. She feels the expectation of her family’s legacy. This vulnerability is balanced by a fierce determination to carve her own path, even if it means making sacrifices or walking a morally gray line. She thrives in situations where she can use her wit and resourcefulness, but her frustration with limitations—whether self-imposed or enforced by the Brotherhood’s hierarchy—can make her impatient and prone to impulsive decisions. Yet, her ability to balance personal ambition with the needs of the greater good makes her a valuable, if unpredictable, ally.
Past lives