
Ancient Islamic tradition speaks of the Djinn, powerful deity-like entities that are born of smokeless fires and dwell in the Kaf, a mythical mountain range said to circle the Earth. There are many types of Djinn, and sub-types that can be defined by their colour. Most importantly, are the Jann, Read more…


Stories of Nagas originated in ancient Hindu writings, but similar stories have popped up throughout Asia and Africa over the centuries. They are rarely seen as dangerous or sinister in stories and legends, but rather as ruled by the same emotions and drives as mortal men. In the poems ‘Mahabharata,’ Read more…


Wefuke comes from the indigenous Mapuche people of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina. These beings can have solid, material bodies, evanescent ghost-like bodies or are extracorporeal spirit-like entities. Their energy is characterized by its propensity to disturb and / or destroy the balance of the world’s natural order. Unlike other Read more…


These are deities which originate from the Zoroastrianism religion which was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran around 1500 BC. The most important texts of the zorastrianism religion are those of the Avesta, of which a significant portion has been lost, and mostly only the liturgies of which Read more…


The great battle of Asuras involved the march of their soldiers upon the mountain of gods like “ants crawling up a hill.” By meditation on war, armor, and weaponry, the Asura overcame their Deava enemies through assimilation of demons, spirits, and ghosts: either corporeal beings of physical demonic body, one Read more…


Officially, chupakabras are coyotes or other canine animals infected with a mange-like parasite which leaves the animals hairless with sunken, shrivelled bodies the size of a small bear and a pronounced spinal ridge. The animals are reported to attack and drink the blood of livestock, leaving puncture wounds in the Read more…


The Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning ‘tail devourer,’ and is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. It appears as a serpent or a dragon eating its own tail, perceived as enveloping itself, where the past (the tail) appears to disappear but really moves into an inner Read more…


The Furia are infamous among the Greek and Roman mythologies as fearsome women who avenged crimes against the natural order. They were particularly concerned with homicide, violence, and traitorous acts against the gods. Upon capturing a criminal worthy of drawing their attention, the furia were known to inflict insanity upon Read more…


The truth of these monsters are based off a legend of a woman who a mistress of Zeus. She was cursed by Hera to devour all her own children she had with Zeus. As a result, she was transformed into mothering a race of creatures which breathe life into modern, Read more…


INTRODUCTION The hellhound is a generic name given to large black dogs primarily found in western Europe. The dog is over sized, black and has fiery red eyes. They are typically regarded as portents of death, and may be invisible to all but whom the dog hunts. Many were also Read more…