Roza Vas
I was born on the road like all my siblings except Nusa, who was born in our tiny house we shared with the Kádár family, Papa’s sister, and her kids. Sadly, we lost my uncle defending the caravan two years before the anchor set in Moscow.
Roza is a member of the carnival situated south of the Red Light district, by the river. Her people are Romani, and travellers by nature, however appear to have settled in Moscow after the Vas’s eldest son grew Sick (with Roza soon to follow). Before the anchor, the caravan roamed all the CCD taking money and setting up the tents wherever anyone wanted to be entertained.
Roza has three brothers and two sisters. Her cousin Ezekiel also lives in Moscow.

The first time the lights played around me, the crowd was in awe. I was in awe. It was like the Aurora Borealis had descended from the heavens while I played my violin. And in the weeks that followed, the fever and chills nearly killed me, so the elders say.
She’s a talented violinist, and a channeler who accesses her gift through music. She uses this ability to entertain on the stage. Together, she and Esper also run cons for Ezekiel, or sometimes just to cause mischief for themselves — and all the better if they can reap some reward from it.

- Esper, with whom she shares a close and indefinable relationship
- Ezekiel, Roza’s cousin, for whom both Roza and Esper assist in the con
- Sámiel, another denizen of the carnival

The Con
- Cruz, a victim of the con
- Voxel Adams,

Other Lives
In the 6th Age, Roza lived as the Greek muse Melpomene.