Patient Record: VIṢAKANYĀ
Medical History: [REDACTED]

Confidential Medical Notes, Paragon

Basic Stats

Age: 25
Species: Half-naga
Height: 5’8”
Reborn God: Echidna
Played By: Thal


Visha is the half-human offspring of a female naga. They both ended up in Di Inferi hands when her mother fled her underground home seeking sanctuary and to impart a prophetic warning. Atharim hunters were hot on their trail, and she was already bleeding when she arrived on the doorstep of Oleander Haart’s scholarly father, child in arm. The naga woman foretold the Rise of the Ancients and the ruin the Apollyon would bring before she passed.

Hunters burned the house to the ground. Oleander, still a girl herself, escaped with the child, and fled to Moscow in search of her uncle.

Ephraim Haart accepted them both with apparent open arms, particularly when he realised from his niece’s tale that the child was potentially not human despite all appearances. Paragon Group was still in its infancy at the time. Disagreements over the child that was later named Visha eventually spurred Oleander to flee in anger, and Visha was ultimately left in Ephraim’s care.

The Visha Kanya were young women reportedly used as assassins, often against powerful enemies, during the times of Ancient India. Visha Kanya literally means “poison maiden.”

Life at Paragon

She has been experimented on ruthlessly since childhood.

Visha has always had minders. As a child she was easily placated with treats, toys, and attention, particularly when the latter came from Ephraim. She learned quickly to play on her sweet girlishness and has always used it to her great advantage in pursuit of getting precisely what she wants.

Though Visha has grown at the same rate as a human child, mentally she has seemed to mature more slowly (although this might also be a result of her greatly isolated upbringing). Puberty came and went without much conscious notice from her, and it wasn’t really until she reached her twenties that she began to notice the shape of a new power, and the fluttering of new urges. Though by now she also understood the unique boundaries of her illness, and was diverted easily to the consumption of media in lieu of a life she could not have.

These days rebellion is becoming the sweeter enticement.


Experimentation on her blood proved the basis for Paragon’s Pleasure Implant, first released in the early 30s. More recently it has been synthesised into the cult-status drug ‘P’ which has strong hallucinogenic and addictive qualities.

Since she has proven resistant qualities Ephraim believes she may hold the key to immortality. Poison does not affect her. Drugs and alcohol burn off quickly. Anaesthesia does not work. Under scrutiny her cells do not appear to age or damage in a normal way, however the markers are distinct from what is currently understood about channelers.

Her DNA has been studied and spliced by Doctor Kaelan Müller.

Natural Abilities

Both her hearing and her sense of smell/taste are heightened, though do not approach the acuity of a full-blooded naga. She is stronger and faster than the average person.

Her blood and bodily fluids affect humans (and humanoid creatures, with the exception of other naga). Since puberty, even brief skin-contact itself is enough for a detrimental effect. Largely this is hallucinogenic, especially in small quantities, and may prove addictive for the recipient. Larger or prolonged doses can insight insanity, and eventually death.

Bites and scratches from her are venomous. She has the self-defensive ability to spit at distance, but can only do this when threatened. Differing from the side-effects of her skin, the effects of this defensive poison are usually painful (bruising, bleeding, swelling), and in the worst case can kill (sometimes incredibly quickly). When cornered or frightened she fights like an animal.

Undiscovered Notes

As yet undiscovered, Visha’s skin secretions also have the result of disrupting a channeler’s ability to channel. Note, however, that whatever synthesising process the drug P went through has unintentionally nullified this effect, and it does not have the same side-effect either when taken orally or injected.

She is resistant to channeling directed at her. The weaves simply fray and dissipate.


Tall and toned, broad at the shoulder, with enviable curves; a model’s physique. There is little outwardly to suggest her non-human parentage. Her eyes are a little large and unusually dark, verging on black, and sometimes her mannerisms edge towards odd. When she is particularly intent she sways a little; not noticeable unless you know to look for it. Her accent is lightly touched by Ephraim’s Irish influence, but subtle enough that most miss it.

Her clothing choices are often bold and eccentric. Visha enjoys being the centre of attention.


Visha has largely been shaped by Ephraim. Though in the main she is sweetly-natured, she is also selfish and can be ruthless in pursuit of her own wants and needs, without considering how her actions may affect others. Her consumption of media has been greatly controlled, leaving something of a vacuous naivety in her, yet she is not uneducated either.

She is peripherally aware of the existence of channelers. Whether her opinions of them align with Ephraim’s remains to be seen. She knows nothing of the Atharim, nor of The Network and Di Inferi groups to which Ephraim belongs. She will be shaped greatly by those she meets.

Aware of her own abilities, but believing them to be the result of an illness, she is careful not to touch others without the protection of gloves or another barrier. Which is not to say she is not greatly curious. At Paragon the scientists stay a reasonable distance whether she is covered up or not (admittedly, this may be due to the tantrums she had as a child). Outside, though, no one knows what she is, and she will likely take advantage.


While in Paragon’s building she wears clothing that covers her up, toes to throat, including haptic gloves. In private she also has an extensive, expensive, and eclectic wardrobe that she delights in. In fact her room is a veritable treasure trove of items, clothes, and jewellery bought for her by Ephraim. Fashion is a great love and distraction; one that has been used to placate and control her, though she does not see it this way.

Since her escapades beyond Paragon, Visha has also taken to collecting souvenirs of her time spent outside. She has no moral aversion to stealing, but also greatly values gifts.


  • A pair of diamond earrings and an electric blue dress and gloves (seen in What Not to Do)


RP History

Full Biography

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