Pervaya Liniya Security

Pervaya protects people, not things or property, and has a well-earned reputation for being the best private security firm one can hire. It’s name in Russian quite literally means First Line. They are publicly known to employ ex-military exclusively, predominately of countries that have fallen under CCD influence, and some Read more…

Patricus I

Name: Philip Patrick SullivanPapal Name: Patricus IAge: 46Origin: United StatesTalent: Dreamer & DreamwalkerLoyalty: Catholic ChurchOccupation: PopeAura: White & bright bluePlayed By: Asc Description He was born Philip Patrick Sullivan in Maryland, United States. He is a handsome man, with etched cheekbones, greyed blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and a soft, round mouth. He is fully aware of his attractive Read more…

Amengual Cartel

There was a time in the early 2000’s when Nicaragua claimed to be free of large-scale narcotics trafficking. In fact, one of the nation’s most brutal counternarcotics operations was carried out under the orders of a military official named Julio Césan Amengual. Along with the country’s attorney general, during the Read more…


Custody Domestic Protection Service (CDPS) CDPS is a government agency that serves as an investigative body and an intelligence agency. CDPS is distinct from law enforcement, where local police forces have jurisdiction at the city and Dominance level. CDPS can exert legal jurisdiction in cases of Custody national security, significant Read more…