Eleanore Candevin Aramorgran

Originally from Kandor. Born a soldier’s daughter, but raised by her uncle after his death. Elly spent her entire youth amongst a small company of skirmishers. Faider’s men were legendary for their harrying along the Blightborder, with a reputation for their fearlessness. If they did not quite know what to Read more…

Letto Ska’dine

Basic Stats Age: 29 D.O.B: ??? Origin: Camelyn, Andor Current Location: The White Tower Height: 5’11” Weight: 135 lbs. Occupation: Warder to Vivienne Accylon Talent: Wolfkin Alignment: Lawful Good Loyalty: White Tower Past Lives: Siobhan West (1st Age) Played By: Aiden_Finnegan Psychological description Hard and loyal to her Aes Sedai, has been Read more…

Viviane Accylon

  Character Name: Viviane Accylon Age: 41 Place of Birth/Raising: Caemlyn, Andor Affiliation: The White Tower, The Blue Ajah Rank: Aes Sedai Power Level: 38 First 1st Age Incarnations: Rowan Finnegan Reborn God: Brigid Warder: Letto Ska’dine Elemental Strengths Air: Average Earth: Mastery Fire: Average Water: Mastery Spirit: Exceptional Physical Description: 5’9″, 125 lbs. Deep auburn hair with a Read more…

Merdyn Gilyard

Basic Stats Age: 22 D.O.B: ??? Origin: The Gilyard Estates in Andor Current Location: The Black Tower Height: 6’0″ Weight: 170 lbs. Occupation: Asha’man, ex-Noble Reborn God: Lugh Power: 39/39 Elemental Strengths: Fire (Master,) Air (Average,) Water (Average,) Earth (Exceptional,) Spirit (Master) Ability: Expert Talent: Channeling Alignment: Lawful Good Loyalty: Black Tower Read more…