In the 5th and 6th Age, the Court of the Tuatha De was comprised of all high-ranking Dagda in the Isles of Erie (what is known as Ireland in the modern Ages.) The Court’s membership shifted throughout the Ages depending on the High King of the Isles; or whoever bore the Crown of Maeve. The members of the Court are often considered members of the Celtic pantheon. There have been members of the Court that were not Dagda, although those men and women had to fight harder for their places within the Hill.
The Court held all formal gatherings within Nuada’s Keep which was located beneath the Hill of Tara, near the center of the Isles. The High King presided over all meetings of the Court. During the 2nd Reign of Nuada, a High Council was formed amongst the Court to aid the High King in matters of state. Although it was said that its inception was a means to prevent the rise of another tyrant like the Regent Bres.
The Court and Council were formally disbanded near the middle of the 6th Age when Civil War broke out across the Isles for the third and final time.

The Court under Nuada’s 2nd Rule

Brigid – One of the most powerful female Dagda in the Isles. She claimed the domains of fertility, poetry, the hearth, and hidden knowledge. Forced to marry the Regent Bres in Nuada’s absence against her will. Brigid worked from the shadows to aid Nuada in bringing down Bres. She left the courts after Nuada’s death but later returned due to Lugh’s insistence.

Gobain – A humble male Dagda and first born son of Brigid. He claimed the domains of blacksmithing and hospitality. Known for the feasts he would throw for the heros of the Tuatha De, Gobain was also responsible for forging many of the power-wrought weapons that Nuada’s army bore into battle. He left the courts after Nuada’s death.

Credne – A boisterous male Dagda and second-born son of Brigid. He claimed the domain of metalworking. Often overshadowed by his older brother, Gobain. Credne made a name for himself within Nuada’s court by fine-tuning the art of metalworking in all of its forms outside of weaponry – most notably in the fields of ornamentation and currency. He left the courts after Nuada’s death.

Luchta – A proud male Dagda and youngest son of Brigid. He claimed the domain of carpentry. Rarely appearing at Court, Luchta spent most of his time designing and constructing various buildings across the Four Great cities of the Isles. His attentions were turned towards weapons towards the end of his life, when Balor challenged Nuada’s rule and waged war against the Tuatha De. Luchta died in the same battle that claimed Nuada’s life.

Abcan – A talented male Dagda, descended from a clan of dwarven men hailing from the Isle of Tory. He claimed the domains of song and performance. Abcan was one of the only Singers left in the Isles of Erie during the 5th and 6th Age, thus he secured his place amongst the nobility with his abilities to feed the people through song and rhyme. Abcan remained at court until his death shortly before the second Civil War of the Isles.

Lugh – Grandson of Dian Cecht and one of the most powerful male Dagda in the Isles. He claimed the domains of the Sun, skill, oaths, and kinship. The last member to be admitted to Nuada’s court before his death, Lugh gained his place by sheer cunning. Loved by the common people and friend to all Tuatha De, Lugh was named Nuada’s successor after countless political games and – ultimately – the slaying of Nuada’s murderer, Balor.
(More Gods to be added at a later date.)

The Court under Lugh’s Rule
Abcan – One of Lugh’s closest friends and confidants, Abcan opted to stay within the Courts after Lugh assumed Nuada’s mantle. Holding tight to the domains of song and performance, Abcan added the domain of poetry to his portfolio after Brigid initially left the fold. Lugh later named him Court Bard and Master of Intrigue.
Brigid – Eventually lured back to the Courts by Lugh and his efforts to save her two remaining sons from Fomorian slavery. Brigid retained her domains of fertility and the hearth. Under Lugh’s rule, she was largely regarded as the ‘Mother of the Tuatha De,’ providing for the realm with her mythical Cauldron. Lugh later named her Mistress of the Isles.

Kerr’gan – A male Dagda from Gorias, he claimed the domain of ironworking. Brought into the Court due to his work on Lugh’s Spear, although many in the Court thought this insufficient. Kerr’gan would later go on to discover new ways of working with the Power and metals, thus solidifying his place in the Court.

Uscias – A male Dagda and High Prince of Findias, he claimed the domains of War and Battle. A well known rival of Lugh, Uscias was one of Nuada’s top generals in the war against the Formorians. After Lugh was named High King, Uscias was named a High Prince and given the Sourthern Great City, Findias, to rule over. He claimed Nuada’s Sword after the High King’s death and the High Council has made no move to make him return the treasure to the Hill.
During Lugh’s investigation into the disappearance of Brigid and her sons, a conspiracy was revealed – headed by Uscias. The High Prince hired Fomorians from abroad to stage raidings along the coastlines of the Isles. They were eventually instructed to abduct prominent Dagda – although they only succeeded in kidnapping Gobain and his family. Lugh intercepted the operation and chained Uscias with a strange collar – with the help of a weakened Gobain.
Uscias’ plot remains to be unfurled.

Semias – A female Dagda and High Prince of Murias. She claimed the domains of Emotion and Celebration.

Morfessa – A female Dagda and High Prince of Failias. She claimed the domains of Nobility and Sovereignty. Morfessa spent three years and six days studying under the Olympians before returning to the Isles. She briefly served under Nuada’s armies during the final days of the First Civil War; her accomplishments directly lead to her ascension to the position of High Prince.

Lecan – A male Dagda and High Prince of Gorias. He claimed the domains of Knowledge and History. Son of Cethen and cousin to Lugh, Lecan was named High Prince at Lugh’s coronation – taking the place of his late father. Lecan has done his best to draw the finest minds in the Isle to his city to staff the University that has sprung up at the city’s heart.
The Druids under Lugh’s Rule

Mug Ruith – An Arch-Druid hailing from the Gorias. He served under High Prince Cethen as Arcane Advisor to the Seat of Gorias. Mug Ruith left the Isles shortly after Lugh’s ascension, to study under the Olympians. He spent three years under them before returning to the Isles to share his learnings with Lugh. Mug retired shortly thereafter, living out the rest of his days on an estate granted to him by the High King.

Tlachtga – A druidess hailing from Gorias. She grew up alongside Lugh and Lecan. During her early years, she showed a Talent for reading residues and creating objects of the Light. She apprenticed under her father, Mug Ruith, before her ascension to the role of Arch-Druid under High Prince Lecan of Gorias. Tlachtga often credits her knowledge of the Light to High Prince Morfessa – despite being Apprenticed to Mug Ruith.
(More Gods to be added at a later date.)
1 Comment
Court of the Tuatha De – Glyn Hnutu-healh: History, Alchemy, and Me · April 2, 2022 at 12:08 AM
[…] Court of the Tuatha De […]