3rd Age NPCs (Alternate Timeline)

Work in Progress! Alphabetical order by first name. * denotes that the character used to be PC Adrasteia Sedai* (Deceased) Former Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and Keeper of the Chronicles under Kaydrienne, following Corele’s “death.” She was tall and stately, with grey hair. She was executed alongside Kaydrienne Read more…

Andreu Kojima

The middle child of the three Kojima brothers. He is in his 30s, unmarried and very unattached. He is a gambler, socialite and partier. At the Bank, he works as a Financial Officer when he deigns to show up, and shares some of the same mathematical skill as his brothers. Read more…

Zakar Kojima

The oldest of the Kojima children. He is over 40 years of age, married with multiple children of his own. He is the Operating Manager of the Banking House and highly respected by his staff. He is a brilliant accountant, and is known to be able to find any flaw Read more…

Arman Kojima

The current patriarch of the Kojima family, and Jai’s father. He has operated the banking house for many long years. He recently retired as Executive in Charge and has retreated to the role of owner only in name. Upon his retirement, his first-born son, Zakar assumed the responsibility of daily Read more…

Miraseia Breakwater

Born in Taren Ferry around 900 NE, the youngest daughter of the ferryman, Oren Breakwater. Miraseia was a whimsical child, usually wandered off somewhere she was not supposed to be, doing something she was not supposed to be doing. She was not lazy, just a dreamer. It’s a surprise you Read more…


Originally a river goddess associated with the Nile, she was later attributed as the personification of Sirius, the Dog Star. This star, after a long period of invisibility, reappears again in the sky just when the Nile inundation is about to begin. Thus her star’s appearance heralds the beginning of Read more…

Alethea Sayre Maelsouvra

During the Age of Legends, Alethea Sayre was an Aes Sedai who began her professional career studying under the prestigious psychologist Kamaris Maladon Daenar. She was a curious and sharp minded woman, quick to laugh, and known to be sweetly natured. She was also renowned for being highly compassionate, a Read more…


Mythology An obscure Celto-Germanic goddess associated with healing springs and the curative power of water. Sirona’s name has astral connotations, also giving her an association with the night sky. She was often depicted with a diadem or crown of stars, not a common adornment seen on a Gaulish deity. On Read more…


Mythology Niorun (Njörun) is a mysterious Norse figure about whom little is known, and some suggest may have been fictitious. She is listed as a goddess in a single source, and has been used as a kenning in some poetry, most notably Draum-Njörun or Dream-Niorun. This has led to the Read more…

Trista Alquin

Gaidar of the White Tower “So long as an Aes Sedai does not want me, I belong to the Tower. I can be used without fear of repercussions should I die.” Trista, A Winter Night’s Dream Origins Trista is a persona stooped in mystery. She is originally from the Altaran Read more…