Khawlah Bint Al-Azwar

Khawlah was the daughter of the chief, and trained in the art of swordsmanship and battle by her brother. During a war with the Byzantines, she witnessed her brother be captured by the enemy. She immediately ran to a supply tent, grabbed a suit of armor, wrapped herself with a Read more…

Ryker Petrović

Ryker was officially raised in Kiev. He raised into the life of a citizen of the ASU from an early age. His family were long-standing Soviet sympathizers, even during the dark ages of attempted capitalism. As a result of family and business interests, he lived in many cities around the Read more…


The only thing that sells better than pleasure, is fear There is a chameleonic nature to Zeke, who will often present himself how he deems the situation necessitates. His moods are mercurial and he is theatrical. He’s dark haired with big dark eyes. Tattoos cover most of his body, but Read more…

Tristan Úlfarsson

Basic Stats Age: 32Origin: Westfjords, IcelandReborn God: FenrirTalent: Wolfkin “Stop running in the dream and you will be found. Look to far shores and you will find your true family. Return to the beginning and the end will finally arrive.” ~ Grey Lady of the Huldufólk  Tristan grew up in Read more…


Fenrisúlfr, also called Fenrir, is the great wolf who devoured Odin in Ragnarök. It was foretold that he would do as much at his birth, and so the gods were filled with great fear for what Fenrir would someday become. He was imprisoned as a pup within the Æsir’s own Read more…


Female nature-spirits, usually benevolent, who are caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots. It’s believed that they reside deep within the Earth under the Himalayas, where they guard the wealth of the Earth Yakṣaṇī retain the power to disappear at will (suggesting they do not Read more…

The Twenty-One Tārās

“If Her name is called, She answers” Mythology Whether the Tārā figure originated as a Buddhist or Hindu goddess is unclear and remains a source of inquiry among scholars. She is a goddess with numerous forms, widely popular in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia, and is the feminine counterpart of the Read more…


Oyá is the powerful Yorùbá Orisha Goddess of weather, especially tornadoes, lightning, destructive rainstorms, fire, female leadership, persuasive charm, and transformation. She can manifest as winds ranging from the gentlest breeze to the raging hurricane or cyclone. She goes forth during thunderstorms, destroying buildings, ripping up trees, and blowing things Read more…

Butryka detention center

Butryka is a prison located within Moscow. It was originally a central transit prison used during Tsarist Imperial Russia built during the 1600’s. During Soviet times, it held many political prisoners and was notorious for over-crowding. To be remanded to the prison was essentially equivalent to a death sentence. If Read more…

Kekura din Anor

Kekura din Anor was a windfinder of the Atha’an Miere, the People of the Sea, of Clan Catelar. Her husband was Cargo Master of another ship in the Clan. She was the mother of a young boy, Tayigi. When the Seanchan attacked, many ships in her clan were decimated. Her Read more…