Edwin Dean
Early Life and Education

Edwin Roland Dean was born on January 9, 2019, in London, United Kingdom, to a family with a military background. His father, a career military officer, inspired Edwin to pursue a similar path. Growing up, he dedicated himself to academic excellence and physical fitness, excelling in sports such as track and soccer.
Military Service

At the age of 18, Edwin enlisted in the CCD Armed Forces, following his father’s footsteps into military service. His training revealed an exceptional aptitude in various areas, including marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and urban operations. After completing basic training, Edwin was assigned to a British military unit, where he served with distinction for several years.

Transfer to Moscow and Transition
In 2043, Edwin was transferred to Moscow, Russia, where he continued his service. However, despite maintaining his physical and combat skills, he felt a sense of stagnation in his role. The work no longer seemed fulfilling, and he struggled with the lack of advancement opportunities.
Frustrated with his situation, Edwin began exploring other career options within the military, including potential transfers to more specialized forces. While the possibilities were numerous, Dean ultimately felt that a change of environment and focus was necessary.
He became aware of Pervaya Liniya, a private security firm known for its mission to protect people rather than material assets. This resonated deeply with his values, prompting him to pursue a career with the company. He sent in his resume to Pervaya Liniya.

An Unexpected Job Interview
After applying to Pervaya Liniya, Edwin headed to Manifesto to consider options. Little did he know that Zhenya Disir, CEO of Pervaya Linya, sent Nhysa to evaluate Edwin at the club. After Nesrin Aziz, who introduced herself to him as Rhi, asked him to dance, Nhysa began a series of attacks against the woman to see how Edwin would protect her. Her report to Zhenya was positive enough to grant him an official interview in which he was offered and accepted a position at Pervaya Liniya Securites.
Other Lives
3rd Age – Ignis Caleum – Warder to Kira Valyrios