Daryen Daimon

Daryen was the sort of king bards dream about. His white-gold hair glittered in the sun, flowing around a chiseled face that denied the half century of wisdom with which he had earned his throne. His eyes, sparkling sapphires above a flashing white smile that charmed the coldest of hearts. Read more…

Talin Sedai

Background Unknown to most, Talin was born amongst the Tuatha’an. Evidence of her past only really exists in an unusual fondness for colour in her clothing or hair adornments, for few would guess from her blunt and flippantly cruel manner that she originally came from such a warm and gregarious Read more…

The Crown of Maeve

A ter’angrael made during the final years of the Fourth Age; in what would later come to be known as the Isles of Erie. The Crown was passed between the ruling Channelers of the Isles from the Fourth through the Sixth Age, eventually lost to time after the downfall of Read more…

Court of the Tuatha De

In the 5th and 6th Age, the Court of the Tuatha De was comprised of all high-ranking Dagda in the Isles of Erie (what is known as Ireland in the modern Ages.) The Court’s membership shifted throughout the Ages depending on the High King of the Isles; or whoever bore Read more…


Born a street-rat in Bandar Eban, Zahir learned from a tender age how to survive. He doesn’t speak much about his early past, and never tells the truth of it anyway, so little is really known. He sparked young, only seventeen, and still in the days of madness, but shied Read more…


This soul is a story of destiny being shaped by the life you are born into. That circumstances of one’s birth and the events that unfold are more powerful than independent will. It’s unknown if his is a soul that is filled with a core of darkness or one of Read more…

Noémi Jourdain

Basic Stats Age: 30Origin: MarseilleHeight: 5’6”Occupation: Assistant to the Director of Public Relations, EoAReborn: MenthePlayed By: Thal There’s no fairytale ending for you, Noémi. Happy endings aren’t for people like us. Noémi recently began work as an assistant under Consul Alexandrova Lesya Vladislavovna, director of Public Engagement, Propaganda, and Interdominance Read more…


The Mythology A naiad daughter of Cocytus, the Underworld river of wailing and lamentation. She was thought to be incredibly beautiful, but the life of a nymph is usually a lonely one; they tended to have very little contact with the outside world. She was a consort to Hades and Read more…