An obscure Celto-Germanic goddess associated with healing springs and the curative power of water. Sirona’s name has astral connotations, also giving her an association with the night sky. She was often depicted with a diadem or crown of stars, not a common adornment seen on a Gaulish deity. On her arm she carried a snake, and in her hand a patera of three eggs, a symbol of regeneration and rebirth. The snake may also have been symbolic of a river.
Sirona is sometimes shown with a dog in her lap. Occasionally she is associated with Apollo Grannnus.
Sanctuaries at Sirona’s springs drew large numbers of pilgrims across Gaul; they travelled to such locations to spend the night and hear the goddess’s prescriptions in their dreams.
6th Age
Serona Sivelia, “She Who Makes Us Better”
Sirona was an early epithet of Lethe, and thus existed only in the world of dreams. She came into being as a result of Lethe’s solitary explorations of the dreamworld, and her curiosity over the in-between place that allowed her to watch and enter the dreams of others.
Sirona’s association with stars and her interest in healing are likely remnants of Lethe’s 5th Age life as Sothis.
As Lethe’s primary caretaker at this time, Nyx was likely aware of these antics, but didn’t seem concerned that her granddaughter had accidentally created a cult.