
Oyá is the powerful Yorùbá Orisha Goddess of weather, especially tornadoes, lightning, destructive rainstorms, fire, female leadership, persuasive charm, and transformation. She can manifest as winds ranging from the gentlest breeze to the raging hurricane or cyclone. She goes forth during thunderstorms, destroying buildings, ripping up trees, and blowing things Read more…

Butryka detention center

Butryka is a prison located within Moscow. It was originally a central transit prison used during Tsarist Imperial Russia built during the 1600’s. During Soviet times, it held many political prisoners and was notorious for over-crowding. To be remanded to the prison was essentially equivalent to a death sentence. If Read more…

Kekura din Anor

Kekura din Anor was a windfinder of the Atha’an Miere, the People of the Sea, of Clan Catelar. Her husband was Cargo Master of another ship in the Clan. She was the mother of a young boy, Tayigi. When the Seanchan attacked, many ships in her clan were decimated. Her Read more…

Dewi Ratih

Little is known of Dewi Ratih (Rah-tee) beyond the story of being swallowed by Kala Rau. What is known is that she was very beautiful and desired, so much so that in addition to being a Goddess of the Moon, she is also known as a Goddess of Beauty and Read more…


Basic Stats Name: KemalaAge: 25Origin: Bali, IndonesiaTalent: Channeler/Cloud DancingLoyalty: CCDRebirth: Dewi Ratih, Oyá, Kekura din AnorPlayed By: Asc Sailing Her parents bought a small hand-rowed boat by which to rent to tourists or take them on tours up or down the shoreline. As they upgraded to bigger and better boats over the years, Read more…


I am Pazuzu, son of Ḫanpu, king of the evil wind-demons, I ascended a mighty mountain that quaked, and the winds that I ran into there were headed West. One by one, I broke their wings. Pazuzu, son of Hanbu, brother to Humbaba, is king of the wind demons. He Read more…

P (drug)

P is a illegal pill that induces a vibrant hallucinatory state, often erroneously thought to stand for Pleasure but occasionally understood by its darker and perhaps truer moniker of Pestilence. It’s intended to be used in conjunction with a black market neural interface, and promotes a state of mind which Read more…

Rubik Rooms

On its surface, Rubik Rooms offers excursion tours, supposedly into the Underground’s secret blood-soaked levels, though in reality it is not much more than a highly scripted experience popular with tourists. They also offer escape room vaults and various horror themed live-theatre encounters, both of which have been met with Read more…

Pervaya Liniya Security

Pervaya protects people, not things or property, and has a well-earned reputation for being the best private security firm one can hire. It’s name in Russian quite literally means First Line. They are publicly known to employ ex-military exclusively, predominately of countries that have fallen under CCD influence, and some Read more…


Freyja was a member of the Vanir tribe of deities, but became an honorary member of the Aesir gods after the Aesir-Vanir War, by way of hostage-exchange alongside her twin, Freyr. She is famous for her fondness of love and fine material possessions, and is a goddess of love, fertility, Read more…