
The Hidden Folk of Iceland. They appear to humans only when they chose to do so but appear much the same as any human. They live in the earth behind rock formations and many bad omens may happen upon those that disturb their residences. As such, even the laying down Read more…


In Old Norse sources, trolls are said to dwell in isolated mountains, rocks, and caves, sometimes live together (usually as father-and-daughter or mother-and-son), and are rarely described as helpful or friendly. However, trolls are also attested as looking much the same as human beings, without any particularly hideous appearance about Read more…

Blarney Stoned (Band)

Blarney Stoned An American punk band from the French Quarter of New Orleans, formed in 2035 and known for theatrical stage shows and personal involvement with their fanbase. Much of the band’s sound is inspired by Celtic music mixed with punk and electronica, lyrics bouncing between English and Gaelic. The Read more…


Ilya is a doctor working for the Almaz fighting pits. Tall, gaunt, bearded. He is either mute, or chooses not to speak. Rumour suggests he has coerced young channeling girls into service , and uses them to heal (or harm) at his behest. It is currently unclear (but possible) that Read more…

The Network

Tendrils of the network seep into every facet of the modern world. It seeks knowledge for knowledge’s sake. No ethos or moral code binds it — in fact its members are rarely aware of each others identities (though there are exceptions). As such its gains can be used for good Read more…


And there, all in their order, are the sources and ends of gloomy earth and misty Tartaros and the unfruitful sea and starry heaven, loathsome and dank, which even the gods abhor. It is a great gulf, and if once a man were within the gates, he would not reach Read more…


When not playing a role, Nhysa is generally a quiet individual — though by no means shy. She likes broken things, and has a penchant for finding the good in even the most repulsive individuals (though this apparent empathy doesn’t seem to affect her doing her job). For those she Read more…


Shubin is a mythological spirit of the mines. The legend of Shubin is distributed mainly in the mining towns of Donbass, a disputed region claimed by Ukraine. In the north one can hear several legends about the spirit of the mines. The spirit is usually good, but can be wicked. Read more…


In Slavic mythology, Dola (pronounced doh-luh) are the protective spirits which embody human fate. They can appear in the guises of a god, a cat, a man, a mouse, or a woman. They have their own preferences and provinces; and they would hound you if you made choices that were Read more…

Di Inferi

All that is acquired will be lost What rises will fall Where there is meeting there will be separation What is born will surely die. -The Udānavarga (Ancient Sanskrit) The phrase, “memento mori” first appeared during the Ascendancy’s war games with other channelers. A man was found in the presence of Read more…