
Eris is generally accepted to have two sides to her; one of benefit to man, the other of detriment. She encompasses the rivalry that encourages men to toil and work hard to better themselves, but she’s also representative of the strife found in war, and was suggested to be the Read more…

Oriena Rusayev

“Most people thought of burlesque as the art of striptease, and Kallisti embraced that whole-heartedly, but it found its earliest roots in parody. Travesty. Sly and subversive mockery. When Ori surveyed this decadent kingdom, that was what she saw. “ From Kings of the Castle Basic Stats Age: 24D.O.B: February 25th, 2022Origin: MoscowHeight: 5’6”Occupation: Proprietor Read more…

Tehya Alisdelisgi

Basic Stats Age: 26 D.O.B: 5th December, 2018 Origin: Missoula, MT Current Location: Moscow Height: 5’10” Weight: 155lbs Occupation: Researcher Reborn God: No Power: 11/35 Ability: Adept Alignment: Lawful Neutral Loyalty: Atharim Played By: Thal “In ages past, our old ones were the storytellers. This was the way things were Read more…


Bear-who-Runs-on-Ice, most often referred to as Bear, is a member of the Atqausk Iñupiat tribe indigenous to northern Alaska and serves as councilor for his and neighboring Iñupiat communities on the Council of Native Americans. He has known of his wolfkin abilities for many years and is an adept dreamwalker Read more…


Kallisti House of Burlesque is a high-end establishment in downtown Moscow, and its grandiose begins right on the doorstep. It occupies an imposing stalinesque building that naturally draws the eye from its neighbours on the street, and keeps it there. During the day it is a building without marker; at Read more…


Played by: Thal Appearances: Somnium Mara Luck (almost) Wanderlust Aylin Milton is Thalia‘s sister, also living in Moscow. She works in the psychiatric unit of the Guardian, and is something of a touchstone for Thalia. The two are very close. Whereas Thalia is flighty and disorganised, Aylin is neat and Read more…


“A river is water in its loveliest form; rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart.” Roderick Haig-Brown Nimeda was the name given to Thalia‘s dream-self by Jon Little Bird during Glimmers of Read more…


The souls that throng the floodAre those to whom, by Fate, are other bodies owed,In Lethe’s lake they long oblivion taste,Of future life secure, forgetful of the past. Virgil Lethe is one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld, and the personification of forgetfulness. When spirits are ready to Read more…

Thalia Milton

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” Maya Angelou Freelance artist living in Moscow. Until recently Thalia was oblivious of her channeling abilities, and had buried Read more…