The Patron works as a regional governor of an entire Dominance. They reside within the Dominance capital and are responsible for all government affairs within their region. They answer directly to Ascendancy but largely operate with independent authority.
The Dominances are unnamed, and referred to only by Roman Numeral in the order in which they were annexed. Russia, for instance, is Dominance I – also called the Central Dominance. Custody of each Dominance is broadly managed by a Patron. However local cities are often under the control of the new aristocracy that rose to power as surges of wealth flooded into the ASU and so they are completely loyal to the Ascendancy, the man to which they owe their wealth and power. Otherwise Patrons are not held accountable for their actions so long as their Dominance upholds Central Custody laws and loyalty.

List of Patrons by Dominance

Dominance I, also called “The Central Dominance”
Capital: Moscow
Patron: Myshelov Arkadiy Tarasovich (65)

Dominance II
The remaining nations of the former USSR
Capital: Kiev
Patron: Svitlana Valeriyivna Vlasenko (69)

Dominance III
The Indies, Southeast Asia, Australia, Southern Pacific
Capital: Mumbai
Patron: Priya Banahatti (80, close to retirement)

Dominance V
The Middle East
Capital: Dubai
Patron: Masood al-Rizk (46)

Dominance VI
Eastern Europe
Capital: Prague
Patron: Paweł Piątkowski (55)

Dominance VIII
South America
Capital: São Paulo.
Patron: Cássio Machado Antunes (51)