The First Age

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Post a link here when you have added something new to the wiki Smile

I like reading things!
Updated All Wiki Pages Page - Just for you Thal. Activity will show the last 20 updates.
You rock, Nox
Nox rox! (Rocks)

Couldn't help myself.
*grins* Nox is sorta rolling his eyes sorta grinning at it. And Alex is trying to find a place to steal it.

And I didn't do anything really. But it had to be a newer feature after we installed it I know I would have added that if I saw it cause it's so important.
The wiki activity list is the BEST THING. Eternal gratitude, Nox.

Fenrir and Tristan have pages now. Jaxen promises to provide the info for Ryker and Ravana. I have been updating the Nimeda/Lethe/Thalia ones too because I have been expanding on her past lives (Asc you are a bad influence *grin*). I'm a little obsessed with the gallery picture options now, haha. I updated Nythadri and Natalie as well, though that was a while ago. Zhenya and Freyja are also ones I added a while back.

Other new pages are: The Twenty-One Taras (myth/past life), Yaksani (creature lore), Butryka detention center (scary), Oya (god/past life). The latter two are Asc's.

I love Nik's smoulder gif on his page now.

If anyone wants anything throwing up, let me know.
I really should update mine... BUT that's work maybe when I'm not editing so much
You should! But editing is important, and should come first Smile
Just looking at all the work makes me tired. ?
But it's so prettyful CK!

To be honest I use it because it's a great place to keep notes or expand on the past life stuff that otherwise just sits in my head. I also find it useful for keeping tabs on character progression.
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