
Beowulf was a hero who came to the aid of King Hrothgar of Denmark. Beowulf was born in the 6th century in Geatland, a region in what is now Sweden, to Ecgtheow and his wife. Ecgtheow was a warrior who had fled to Geatland to escape punishment for a killing, Read more…

Korii Haruto

At 25 years old, Haruto has lived a life of next to no personal freedom. He was orphaned young and adopted by the man who would become the future leader of Korii-kai, the Tokyo-based Yakuza organization that raised him. In the shadow of his new family, he was expected to Read more…


The Edenokōji-gumi established themselves in 2040 in Moscow and slowly collected Tokyo expats into their organization. By 2045 they had approximately 500 members in the society and are growing steadily to their present number of approximately 800. Since there are a limited number of Japanese in Moscow, they recruit heavily. Read more…
blue ferries wheel

The Carnival

Permanent Location: Moscow, south of the Red Light District near the river. The Carnival set up a permanent location when Dominick Vas started showing signs of the sickness. His sister Roza also displayed the sickness around the same time. Both children got better, but by then they had already erected Read more…

The Garden

The Garden is the codename for a 100 acre CCD military compound located approximately 65 miles northeast of Moscow proper. It is part research base, training facility, weapons development and an active-duty base of operations for the Rods of Dominion commanded by Michael Vellas.  The Garden boasts permanent and semi-permanent Read more…

Kaelan Müller

Kaelan is 30 years old. He is 5’11” and 170 lbs. He is a Senior Research Scientist with Clearance Level IV in the Genome Division at Paragon Group. He currently lives in Moscow, CCD. While he is paid a handsome salary at Paragon, he has signed over all current intellectual Read more…


Triton was the only son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, the god and goddess of the sea, and Triton himself acted as his father’s herald. That was why he was often called the messenger of the sea. When depicted artistically, Triton was usually painted as a classic ‘merman’, although this was Read more…

Ishtar Korat Muael

Ishtar was originally described as tall with a hard face and intense expression as if he dissected every part of you with a look. He was a powerful channeler but rarely turned his strength to the field of battle. His power was subtle and intricate, manipulating the structure of DNA Read more…


The sirens are mythical beings who were believed to have the power of enchanting and charming, by their song, voice, mannerisms and presence, any one who heard them. When Odysseus, in his wanderings through the Mediterranean, came near the island on the lovely beach of which the Sirens were sitting, Read more…