The Syndicate

The Syndicate is an organized crime group operated by the Kao clan of Singapore with influence and business all across southeast Asia. Their major criminal activities include illegal gambling, extortion, kidnapping, human trafficking, and human smuggling drug trafficking, and money laundering. They operate a large number of casinos and clubs Read more…


Atropos, who was the oldest of the three Fates, was also known as the Inevitable. She was closely related to death since it was Atropos who would choose the mechanism of death. It was her task to end the life of mortals by cutting their thread. She is most frequently Read more…


Normally seen clothed in white, Lakhesis is the measurer of the thread spun on Klotho’s spindle. She is the apportioner, deciding how much time for life is to be allowed for each person or being, by measuring the thread of life with her rod. She is also said to choose Read more…

The Moirai

In mythology the role of the Fates was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe. For mortals, this destiny spanned their entire lives, and was represented as a thread spun from a spindle. Read more…


Klotho is the youngest of the Three Fates, and the one who spins the thread of human life. This power enables her not only to choose who is born, but also to decide when gods or mortals are to be saved or put to death. In mythology, it is said Read more…

Helena Asquith

“You can control your destiny, but you cannot control your fate” Helena Augusta Victoria Asquith was born to old, aristocratic blood and great familial wealth, the kind of fortune amassed from the bowed backs of others. Her illustrious family have been raised in the Di Inferi tradition for centuries, and Read more…

Elias Donovan

Elias was born into the respectable Donovan family as the second son of five children. The Donovans raised their children as devout Latter Day Saints amongst the other congregations of Kanab, Utah, USA. Elias’s childhood was spent in pleasant obscurity and consisted mainly of church, arid desert highlands and a Read more…

Leon Corlinson

About Leon was the youngest of three children born to Corlin Leifurson of Iceland and Maragret Makris of Greece. Much of Leon’s childhood and adolescent was split between time spent in his parent’s homeland, spending usually the first half of the year in Greece, helping the Makris Inn, a family Read more…


Aeolus was King of the Isle of Aiolus and titled the Keeper of the Winds. He commanded the four winds that blew across the earth: Boreas (the north wind), Zephyrus (the west wind), Eurus (the east wind), and Notus (the south wind). His city was the town of Lipara, upon Read more…


Iris Aellopous is the Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods of Olympus. She was a handmaiden and servant of the queen of the gods, Hera, and served as her personal messenger as well as an envoy of Zeus to the kingdoms of his brothers, Poseidon and Read more…