Lay of Hildebrand

The Hildebrandslied (lay or song of Hildebrand) is a heroic epic poem written in Old High German alliterative verse. It is one of the earliest literary works in German, and it tells of the tragic encounter in battle between a son and his unrecognized father. It is the only surviving Read more…

Jai Asad Kojima

Jai is a veteran Asha’man of the Black Tower. He has seen a decade of action, first at the Blightborder, then in Illian and finally in Arad Doman. The Kojimas have resided in Tar Valon for generations. The patriarch of the family was Asad Kojima, of a noble house of Read more…

Jay Carpenter

This is a story of tensions: the tension that exists between contradictions. Jay’s is a story of fighting one’s duty to family with a desire to make his place in the world. His is a story of the battle between a desire for peace and falling into violence. There are Read more…

Roswell Jenkins

Dr. Roswell Jenkins is an NIH doctor and researcher who is a member of the Di Inferi. He is the one that is organizing the assassination attempt on the President of the United States in order to execute a plan to get Nolan Trace in power.

Retinal Implant

This biofeedback device is surgically implanted into the retina as a viewing option for information stored in titanium chips integrated somewhere on the user’s body. This technology is available only as an experimental surgical procedure.

Lens Warriors

We’ve all heard of the Land Warriors, originally described as a set of glasses worn by Hood, most commonly worn by special forces. They are operated by biofeedback by recognizing blink-commands. The Lens Warriors operate in a more limited, but similar fashion, as they are worn as contact lenses rather Read more…

Land Warriors

The set of glasses Hood wore in his bio are a special forces piece of kit, so a bit more advanced then what may be publicly available, or used by other ‘first world’ military forces. At it’s core, it would be comparable to Google Glass of today, but with 30 Read more…

DNA Reader

Picture a slim device that functions like a blood sugar monitor. A single drop of blood on a test strip inserted into this pocket-sized device analyzes DNA content in a matter of moments. With proper clearance, the sample’s host is identified or confirmed. Widely used for security purposes in combination Read more…