Daan Nasser Al-Rajhi

Daan Nasser Al-Rajhi (ppc) Privilege of Dominance V Age: 53 Education: Pharmacodelivery and Kinetics, Berlin Institute of Science Source of wealth: Food processing, manufacturing, and Synthetics Est. 2044 sales: $156 billion Net worth: $31 billion Profile: A provider, distributor, and supplier/manufacturer of food rations, synthetic nutrient sources, and processed foods. Read more…

Rameshwar Singh

Rameshwar Singh (ppc) Privilege of Dominance III Age: 43 Education: Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic University Source of wealth: Engineering and electronics conglomerate company, lasers specialty. Self-made Est. 2044 sales: $30 billion Net worth: $10 billion Profile: Ramehwar Singh is largely considered to be the father of cold-laser and extra-visible laser industry. Read more…

Borislav Alkaev

Borislav Alkaev (ppc) Privilege of Dominance II Age: 58 Source of wealth: Steel & chemicals. Headquartered in Kiev. Self-made Education: Engineering, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute Est. 2044 sales: $179 billion Net worth: $21 billion Profile: Upon instatement as Privilege of Dominance II, Borislav Alkaev stepped down from post as Read more…


Valentin Sulteev (ppc) Privilege of Dominance I Age: 76 Source of wealth: Banking, real-estate, insurance, investments. Self-made Education: Doctorate, St. Petersburg State University Est. 2044 sales: $212 billion Net worth: $17 billion Profile: Throughout the 2020’s, Valentin was a good friend of Nikolai Brandon, who was then President of the Read more…

Titan-Olympian War

Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 200 ff (trans. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : “When first the heavenly powers Titanes and the Olympian gods were moved to wrath, and mutual dissension was stirred up among them–some bent on casting Kronos from his seat so Zeus, in truth, might reign; others, eager Read more…


Channelers come into rule by force and are worshiped like deities. Their enormous lifespans lead the everyday people to believe they are immortal. The 5th Age ends in bloodshed: the godwars have begun. Throughout the 6th Age, to escape the tyranny of the god-like channelers, non-channelers realize the gods may Read more…


A Privilege is one of the seven individual members of the Sphere, the powerful executive and cultural counsel to the Ascendancy. The Ascendancy selected one person from each Dominance to serve as consul to the Central Dominance. These men and women bear the title Privilege. While they have little in Read more…

CCD armed forces

Branches Administration of the CCD armed forces is located in the Kremlin Arsenal Building. Districts The ground and air forces of the CCD military are distributed among a number of military districts, each subsisting within the seven current Dominances. These districts constitute the Joint Strategic Commands for each Dominance. The Read more…


“We are three brothers born by Rhea to Kronos, Zeus, and I, and the third is Hades, lord of the dead men. All was divided among us three ways, each given his domain. I when the lots were shaken drew the grey sea to live in forever; Hades drew the Read more…

Artskaf (cafe)

Artskaf is a small coffee house in Arbatskaya, right on the main thoroughfare of Old Arbat. Inside it’s all cosy kitsch, deep colours and soft shadows, its wide length of doors opened outwards to spill seating into the street. Comfortable stuffed chairs round the tables, angled towards the street entertainment, Read more…