3rd Age (Alternate Timeline)

The History of the World Years have passed since the cleansing of saidin, the seals have been stabilised, and the world is tentatively held by the Dragon’s Peace and Aiel. Great swathes of the coast remain under Seanchan control, and their influence creeps further east. The Forsaken are at large Read more…


(pronounced: Eric-ken) This soul is a story of destiny being shaped by the life you are born into. That circumstances of one’s birth and the events that unfold are more powerful than independent will. It’s unknown if his is a soul that is filled with a core of darkness or Read more…

Adrian Kane

This soul is a story of destiny being shaped by the life you are born into. That circumstances of one’s birth and the events that unfold are more powerful than independent will. It’s unknown if his is a soul that is filled with a core of darkness or one of Read more…

Auden Thayn

Asha’man of the Black Tower “They watched for the wrong thing, and forgot when they should have been remembering.” Caban, to Bayle Domon, (The Great Hunt, Chapter 29) Origins Born off the coastal peninsula of Toman Head, Auden was raised in the watch towers of the Do Miere A’vron — Read more…

Corele Taravin

Age: ~170 years old Formerly: Keeper of the Chronicles and Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. From: House Taravin of Caemlyn, Andor Currently: Lady in Waiting to Queen Elayne Trakand of Andor Talent: Dreamwalker Appearance: She has the golden hair of the Andoran highborn and wise, hazel eyes. Her cheekbones Read more…

Eleanore Candevin Aramorgran

Originally from Kandor. Born a soldier’s daughter, but raised by her uncle after his death. Elly spent her entire youth amongst a small company of skirmishers. Faider’s men were legendary for their harrying along the Blightborder, with a reputation for their fearlessness. If they did not quite know what to Read more…


The yakuza have a history dating back to the 17th century in Japan. The first half of their modern history begins after World War II. In the immediate post-war period, the yakuza filled a power vacuum and controlled black markets, gambling, and prostitution. In the 1950s and 60s, they expanded Read more…


She dwells ‘beneath the secret parts of the holy earth … deep down under a hollow rock far from the deathless gods and mortal men’ Hesiod Echidna was described to be half beautiful maiden and half fearsome snake. In addition to her monstrous appearance, she was purported to have monstrous Read more…

Korii Kiyohito

Basic Stats Age: 29Origin: JapanCurrent Location: MoscowHeight: 6’0”’Weight: 180lbsGender: Cis-maleOrientation: StraightOccupation: YakuzaTalent: DreamerAlignment: Lawful goodLoyalty: YakuzaPlayed by: Jaxen “You may know what I am, but you do not know who I am,” Kiyohito, Meeting of Families Description The king of brooding. Kiyohito has a soul that internalizes trauma, processes it and buries it far Read more…


Basic Stats Age: 25Species: Half-nagaHeight: 5’8”Reborn God: EchidnaPlayed By: Thal Visha is the half-human offspring of a female naga. They both ended up in Di Inferi hands when her mother fled her underground home seeking sanctuary and to impart a prophetic warning. Atharim hunters were hot on their trail, and Read more…