
This piece of Tech is a handheld tablet that’s part iPhone, part computer, part gadget of James Bond’s dreams. Not only does it operate any number of apps as can be imagined, but a single swipe of the finger will send an enlarged projection of the screen’s contents to the Read more…


Channeling is the act of using our magic system. It is made up of a power wielded by channelers, but in the First Age, these magicians may go by many names: In short, there are five threads that holds the universe together: Air, Water, Spirit, Earth, and Fire.  Similar to channelers, the Read more…


The first Dreyken were the original test subjects meant to create superior eyesight in men during the Age of Gods. They succeeded. Dreyken have the eyesight of a falcon, especially in the dark, but at a cost. A defect in their nervous system keeps their body temperature unregulated. Their translucent Read more…


Legend says the thunderbird was an enormous bird with a wing-span so large the sweep of its wings clapped like thunder. Also associated with storms, it is believed the thunderbird carried lightning on its back. They are intelligent, powerful, and wrathful. They seem closest in form to that of an Read more…


We’ve all been visited by a nightmare. Then, upon waking, we’ve all known that frightening moment where we cannot decipher reality from dream. For comfort, we tell ourselves nightmares are not real.But they are. Nightmares are described as small, swift creatures of deepest black fur that can move on all Read more…


The Ijiraq were once used as spies and assassins by those who controlled them. They appear as half-man, half-mist but can take almost any form, making them particularly deceptive. When encountering one, you will see it out of the corner of your eye, then if you try to observe it Read more…


Originally ferocious foot-soldiers, Oni are hideous, ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and long horns curling away from their skulls. They are humanoid in appearance but may have additional unnatural features such as scales, hide, or fur of deepest black color. In legend they are depicted as wearing cloths Read more…


The cherufe is a snake-like creature which dwells alongside magma pools deep within volcanic caverns. Ancient civilizations satiated the cherufes’ appetite with sacrificial victims, practices long abandoned except in the darkest corners of the world. Twenty years ago, when the Ascendancy first came into executive power, and volcanoes long dormant Read more…


In Dante’s Inferno, harpies inhabited the tortured wood where suicides have their eternal punishment in the seventh ring of Hell. Fitting, harpies were indeed created for that purpose. They are the agents of punishment, abducting and torturing those condemned by the gods. In legend, King Phineas used his gift of Read more…


A prophet can see into the future. He or she generally has no control over the scale, of what or when aspects of the future are glimpsed. In fact, a prophet may have no interpretation at all regarding their foretellings. However, sometimes, whether it is tomorrow or centuries from now, Read more…